The best Wedding Planners in Nairobi, Kenya
Looking for wedding planners in Nairobi, Kenya? Find updated list of the best wedding-planners in Nairobi, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.
3 business listings
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Sphere Furniture Shop, Nairobi
📍 office: lavington court apartments
🦺 workshop: along Lumbwa street near Pumwani maternity hospital off thika road, Nairobi.
Welcome to Sphere Furniture Company wood furniture company located in the bustling city of Nairobi! Our company takes pride in offering unique and customized pieces of furniture, each handcrafted with...
Janeson Weddings, Nairobi
Koinange Street
Janeson Weddings is an event planning company based in Nairobi Kenya. A team of wedding palnbners that has strong experience in matters wedding design, budgeting, wedding decoration, wedding...
Aura Event Planners, Nairobi
South C, Nairobi
Aura Event Planners is one of the best known luxury event design and management brands in Kenya, as well as East Africa.