The best Saccos in Kiambu, Kenya

Looking for saccos in Kiambu, Kenya? Find updated list of the best saccos in Kiambu, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.

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K-Unity Sacco Society, Kiambu
K-Unity Building, Ground floor, Biashara Street, Kiambu Town
It was established in 1974 as a result of the amalgamation of the then Limuru Marketing Co-operative Union and Kiambu Dairy Marketing Union to act as a means of facilitating savings and credit...
K-Unity Sacco, Kiambu
K-unity Building , 7th floor, Biashara st, Kiambu
K-Unity (formerly Kiambu Unity Finance cooperative union Ltd) is a co-operative union established under the Ministry of Co-operatives and Marketing, registered under the Co-operative Society’s Act Cap...
Kidapu Sacco, Kiambu
Biashara Street Kikinga House 6th Floor
P.O. Box 2303-00900, Kiambu.

Kidapu Sacco was registered in 1976 and the Formation was spear headed by 31 members. The objective was to provide savings and credit facilities to its members.Membership is drawn from salaried...
NRS Sacco Limited - Kikuyu Branch Head Office, Kiambu
Ondiri House, Next to Equity Bank
P.O. Box 575 00902,

The concept to dream up the formation of a Rural Sacco was conceived as a result of demands From members of Nderi farmer’s co-operative society (dairy) for an affordable and convenient Savings and...
Dimkes Sacco Society, Kiambu
Bishop Magua House 2nd Flr Kiambu( next to ACK St. James Cathedral) P.O Box 886-00900 Kiambu
The Sacco was started in 1999 and in 2010 it was rebranded to become an out reaching deposit taking institution. Thanks to SASRA who have licensed us to take deposits. What started as an exclusively...