The best Private Primary Schools in Tharaka Nithi, Kenya
Looking for private primary schools in Tharaka Nithi, Kenya? Find updated list of the best private-primary-schools in Tharaka-Nithi, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.
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Nkarini Sunrise Academy, Tharaka Nithi
Near Nkarini market along Mati road (Meru - Embu road) between Tunyai and Chiakariga markets
Nkarini Sub - Location
P.O.Box 421, Nkubu
Nkarini Sunrise Academy opened her doors in September 2010 with a population of over 150 pupils and currently has over 300 pupils. The school has 13 qualified and CBC compliant teachers, a secretary...