The best Private Primary Schools in Tharaka Nithi, Kenya

Looking for private primary schools in Tharaka Nithi, Kenya? Find updated list of the best private-primary-schools in Tharaka-Nithi, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.

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Sunlight Academy Tharaka Nithi, Tharaka Nithi
Tharaka Nithi
P.O.Box 58, Marimanti

Springing Talent Elite School, Tharaka Nithi
P.O Box 163, Tharaka Nithi 60215

Skylimit Education Centre, Tharaka Nithi
Tunyai, Tharaka Nithi
P.O Box 4, Katwana 60406

Nkarini Sunrise Academy, Tharaka Nithi
Near Nkarini market along Mati road (Meru - Embu road) between Tunyai and Chiakariga markets
Nkarini Sub - Location
P.O.Box 421, Nkubu

Nkarini Sunrise Academy opened her doors in September 2010 with a population of over 150 pupils and currently has over 300 pupils. The school has 13 qualified and CBC compliant teachers, a secretary...
Muguna-aana Education Centre, Tharaka Nithi
Buungu-Karocho, Marimanti, Tharaka Nithi
P.O Box 2210 Meru 60100