The best Kindergartens in Umoja, Kenya
Looking for kindergartens in Umoja, Kenya? Find updated list of the best kindergartens in Umoja, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.
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Royal Kids School , Umoja
Tena Estate, Off Outering Road Behind Rockfields Junior School
P.O. Box 7630, Nairobi 00200
Rockfields Junior School , Umoja
Tena Estate, Off Outering Road
P.O. Box 11844, Nairobi 00400
RockFields Schools exist to inculcate transformative belief systems and nurture an all-round character in terms of social, emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual well-being through...
Cathsam School, Umoja
Umoja Innercore, Moi Drive
P.O. Box 50348, Nairobi 00200
CathSam School, with its appropriate Motto “A Firm Foundation”, was established as a Kindergarten center to cater for the educational needs of the dwellers in Umoja Innercore and its environs.