The best Information Technology Companies in Westlands, Kenya

Looking for information technology companies in Westlands, Kenya? Find updated list of the best information-technology-companies in Westlands, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.

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Aedeli, Inc. Westalnds Branch, Westlands
Mirage Towers, Nairobi Garage M2, Nairobi
We are a technology company working non-industrial automations on various fronts like agriculture, home automations and Assistive Technology to make life easier and enjoyable for children, the elderly...
AP Tech Kenya Limited, Westlands
Ushuru Pension Plaza, 1st Floor, Muthangari Drive, Nairobi
Symphony Technologies Limited, Westlands
7th Floor, Doctor's Park
3rd Parklands Avenue
P.O.Box 14201-00800.

Symphony is a large and well-established IT company headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, with a corporate history that goes back 39 years. It has offices in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and...