The best Clinics in Ongata Rongai, Kenya

Looking for clinics in Ongata Rongai, Kenya? Find updated list of the best clinics in Ongata-Rongai, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.

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Tabernacle International Hospital, Ongata Rongai
Magadi road Ongata Rongai
We are a community based institution. We opened our doors in 2015 and have held the same aspirations. To be part of community development by providing quality medical treatment. Our Mission stands as;...
Wama Hospital, Ongata Rongai
Wama Road, Ongata Rongai
Wama Nursing Home is a medical centre that provides consultation, In & Out Patient services, Maternity Services, Physiotherapy, Laboratory, Radiology among other services which include dental and...
Meridian Medical Centre Ongata Rongai, Ongata Rongai
Ongata Rongai Cooperative bank building first floor
Meds Medical Services, Ongata Rongai
Njangwa house, Ongata Rongai
Hopecare Medical Centre, Ongata Rongai
Ongata Rongai
We pride ourselves in maintaining the highest level of professionalism, absolute commitment to outstanding patient care and providing unswerving support
Dr. Teeth Rongai Dental Clinic, Ongata Rongai
Isalu Centre, Ongata Rongai off Magadi Road
We ensure good oral health and promote good oral hygiene practices for happier and brighter smiles.