The best Clinics in Kilifi, Kenya
Looking for clinics in Kilifi, Kenya? Find updated list of the best clinics in Kilifi, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.
13 business listings
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Oasis Medical Centre, Kilifi
Malindi Road, Mtwapa
Oasis Medical Centre is a health development initiative established to fight the outbreak of HIV/Aids that had caused a national disaster in Kenya.
From a small dispensary unit in 2005, Oasis Medical...
Mephi Health Services, Kilifi
Kibaoni Area, Prison road
MEPHI hospital is a social enterprise whose purpose is to provide 'Access to quality healthcare for all who need it, regardless of their economic status. MEPHI is a level 4 hospital covering a variety...
Marie Stopes Clinic, Kilifi
T.S.S building
The Marie Stopes contact centre is a safe space which seeks to provide compassionate help to all who are struggling with, or have previously been affected by an unplanned pregnancy. We desire to be a...