The best Clinics in Karen, Kenya
Looking for clinics in Karen, Kenya? Find updated list of the best clinics in Karen, Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.
12 business listings
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The Regency Dental Practice, Karen
Suite A4/5, 2nd floor, Karen Plains Arcade, off Karen Plains Road, Nairobi
We Offer The Latest Dental Solutions To Suit Everyone.
Dental Smiles, Karen
George Padmore Road, Nairobi One Padmore Place
Medanta Africare Karen Clinic, Karen
Karen Posta Building
Medanta Africare is a world class primary healthcare provider based in Nairobi, Kenya. Offers Outpatient services.
Waterfront Clinic, Karen
The Waterfront Karen
Waterfront Clinic is a center of multiple medical specialists able to bring all your healthcare needs under one roof. We provide services from preventive, restorative, curative to ensure that we, as a...
Apple Dental Care (Karen), Karen
The Hub Shopping Mall Karen, 1st Floor Dagoretti Road, Nairobi
We are a specialised dental clinic with a qualified orthodontist who has over 15 years of experience. We have a state of the art clinic with a certified orthodontist and dental surgeon.
Karen Dental Clinic, Karen
Professional centre, Karen road, Karen Shopping Centre, Opposite Karen Square, Off Ngong Road, Nairobi
We have years of practice offering high-quality dental services in Kenya. Over the years, we have developed close bonds with our clients and suppliers and continue to do so now and for years to come....
Amber Medical Clinic, Karen, Karen
1st Floor - The Hub, Karen
At Amber Medical Clinic you will always find friendly and highly competent staff ready to assist you in whichever way they can.