The best Schools in Kenya
Looking for the best schools in Kenya? Find updated list of top schools in Kenya on our business directory. Find contact information for each business such as phone number and address. View photos, products and services.
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St Gerald’s Center for Children with Autism, Nairobi
Tigoni - Riara Riidge area, next to Nazareth Hospital, Nairobi, Limuru/Kiambu Boarder, Kenya.
The Center admits children between the ages of 3 years and 16 years. The Center is founded on the basis that dietary intervention is a key component in the management of children/persons within the...
King David School, Kisii
Kisii - Kilgoris Road (Mwembe Estate)
P.O Box 2921, Kisii 40200
Shrines Tuition Center and Home School, Lavington
Opposite Kenya Power, Riara Road
SHRINES HOMESCHOOL AND TUITION CENTRE is an ultra modern school offering both the local and international is located behind the Nakumatt Junction along Ngong road in Nairobi.