The best Churches And Church Organizations in Kenya

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Seventh Day Adventist Church Theta, Kiambu
Kiambu County
Theta Ward
Good Neighbours Estate
3rd Street

Step into the Seventh-day Adventist Church, where faith comes to life in a vibrant tapestry of worship, community, and spiritual enlightenment. Our church is a radiant oasis where hearts connect, and...
Nairobi Baptist Church Kitengela, Athi River
Nairobi Baptist Church- Kitengela
P.O Box 44128-00100

Welcome to Nairobi Baptist Church (NBC). A worshipping community of the Lord Jesus Christ that is advancing the kingdom of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are located along Namanga...
CheckUps Medical Center Parklands Branch, Parklands
General Accident House, Rear Block, Nairobi
PEFA Church City Center, Nairobi
Mfangano Street, Nairobi City
Zion Fellowship Group Of Churches, Parklands
Nairobi Central Kimathi Street Kenwood Plaza, Starehe
ACK Christ Church, Westlands, Westlands
Seventh Day Adventist Church Parklands, Nairobi
Opposite Transist Hotel, Kolobot Road, Nairobi
Jesus & Me All The Way Ministries, Nairobi
Interfina House Starehe, Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi
Living Faith International, Parklands
House Westlands, Parklands, Rhapta Road, Nairobi
Nairobi Chapel, Waiyaki Way, Westlands
Waiyaki way, Westlands
ACK St Marks Church Westlands, Westlands
The A.C.K is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. St. Mark’s is a parish church and its congregation comes from all over Nairobi and beyond. The St. Mark’s Church was built in 1907 on a site...
World Presbyterian Mission, Parklands
Jubilee Christian Church, Parklands
Forest Lane, Nairobi
Jubilee Christian church is a charismatic, non-denominational church founded on the Rock Jesus which was launched on 17th January 1999 by the visionaries Bishop Allan Kiuna and his wife Reverend Kathy...
St. Francis Xavier's Catholic Church, Parklands
Parklands Road, Nairobi
Church World Services (Ea), Nairobi
AACC complex, Parklands, Lantana Road, Nairobi
United Pentecostal Church of Kenya, Parklands
Musa Gitau road,Parklands/Highridge
Nairobi Chapel Parklands, Parklands
Sixth Parklands Avenue, Nairobi
Parklands Baptist Church, Parklands
Professor Saitoti Avenue Westlands
P.O.BOX 14446 00800

CITAM Parklands, Parklands
Second Parklands Avenue, Nairobi
Full Gospel Churches of Kenya Jogoo Road, Nairobi
Jogoo road
We are a Christian family under the watch of Pastor George Kairu and Bishop Isaac Kariuki and built of Faith, Love and Fellowship.
Nairobi Lighthouse Church, Nairobi
Garden Estate Road
Off Thika ROAd. Exit 7, Nairobi

Alliance of Apostolic Churches and Ministries, Nairobi
Linktech Computer Solution, Kenya Cinema Plaza,Moi Avenue, Nairobi
P.O.BOX 42496

Alliance of Apostolic Churches and Ministries is formed comprising of Churches and Ministries and Kingdom ministers; each church and ministry being registered autonomously, and willingly relating with...
St Austin's Parish Church, Parklands
Parklands, Rhapta Road, Nairobi
St.Augustine ACK Church Madaraka, Nairobi
Ole Sangale Link Road, Nairobi City
World Harvest Int'l Church, Nairobi
We are at the Junction of Ronald Ngala Street and Tom Mboya Street at Leone Hse [Sky World Building] 2nd & 3rd Floor Nairobi, Kenya
Kileleshwa Covenant Community Church, Kileleshwa
Kileleshwa Estate Kileleshwa Nairobi City, Nairobi
Nairobi Chapel, Nairobi
Ngong Road, Nairobi
P.O.BOX 53635 - 00200 Nairobi

House Of Grace Mega Church, Nairobi West
Langata Road, Nairobi West

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