As the voice and lobbyists for Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Kenya, we at KUSCCO have been at the forefront of efforts to form and develop strong and viable SACCOs.
Our key roles at KUSCCO - as the umbrella body for SACCOs - are mainly advocacy and representation. In addition, we offer SACCOs and other cooperatives financial and technical assistance, tailored to largely benefit the middle and low income earners both in Kenya’s rural and urban areas. This is a significant fraction of Kenya’s population that drives the country’s economy through the small and medium enterprise (SME) engine.
We are aware of the many challenges facing SACCOs in Kenya, which includes, among others, competition from commercial banks in Kenya, insufficient capital base, lack of or slow rate of Information Technology (IT) adoption, and inefficient loan pricing strategies.
We are here to address these problems and strengthen the cooperative movement in Kenya. At KUSCCO, we believe in the strength of unity and have tailored products and services to benefit all the SACCOs and their members in Kenya.