Marie Stopes Kenya (MSK), an affiliate partner of MSI, was established in 1985 as a locally registered NGO. It is Kenya’s largest and most specialised sexual reproductive health (SRH) and family planning (FP) organisation and is renowned for providing a wide range of high quality, affordable and client-centred SRH services and information to men, women and young people throughout Kenya. Through its mobile outreach units alone, MSK provides approximately 65% of all long acting and permanent (LAPM) family planning methods in the country.
MSK is a key implementing partner of the MoH, particularly the Division of Reproductive Health both at central and district levels. MSK’s programme is aligned and fully supports the division of reproductive health’s health plans including the National Health Sector Plan, the Community Health Strategy, the Reproductive Health Strategy and the Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development Policy Plan of Action. MSK is a board member of Kenya’s Health NGOs Network (HENNET) and is an active member on other RH and NGO networks and advisory boards.