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Kileleshwa Medical Plaza

  • Address:Kandara road Kileleshwa
  • City/Town: Kileleshwa
  • Telephone Number: 0705729287
  • Telephone Number 2: 0715541812
  • Email Address:
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  • Category: Clinics
  • Working hours:
     Monday: Open 24 hours  See All


At Kileleshwa Medical Plaza our growth has been a classic success story whose main ingredient to be the commitment to quality. In keeping with our commitment to quality, the we will consistently look for the best in the people who deliver their services. All of their technologists and staff come to you with a solid professional background. They not only have the training and experience that is required; they also demonstrate the personal caring and sensitivity that is a must. Patients are treated with the warmth and concern that they deserve at all times. For quality service, state-of-the-art testing, important, cost-saving benefits and for genuine convenience, ours is the intelligent approach to modern health care. This coupled with a team of specialist in every field makes us the preferred facility for all your medical needs.

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Products and services

1. Consultation
2.Specialist consultants
5.Dental unit
6.X ray
7.Home based care
8.Physiotheraphy and wellness
9.Speech,language,hearing and voice therapy
10.Vaccination and immunization

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Working Hours

Monday -  Open 24 hours
Tuesday -  Open 24 hours
Wednesday -  Open 24 hours
Thursday -  Open 24 hours
Friday -  Open 24 hours
Saturday -  Open 24 hours
Sunday -  Open 24 hours

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