“Herufi” is a swahili word that can be loosely translated to mean “Statistics”, “Data” or “Alphabets”. The firm was conceived out of the need for companies to take advantage of the hidden value of their corporate data and information. We specialize in Application Systems Services, Business & Data Analytics Services, Network & Infrastructure Services and IT Audits & Consultancy Services. We envision improving the performance of our Clients by focusing on untapped data and information. Our team leverages the capabilities of mobile and computer applications technologies to provide a 360-degree view of Clients’ businesses.
Herufi Technologies endeavors to provide real-time access to operational and functional data and information to its Clients. Our company delivers feasible IT and data solutions through combining industry knowledge, insight, analytics, and technology. This expedites the decision-making process and eventually improves the overall performance of Clients in the dynamic markets of today. We pride ourselves in being one of the trailblazers in the field of data and analytics in East and Central Africa.