White Cottage Primary School had its origins from White Cottage Nursery School opened in 1973 in Westlands, Nairobi. In 1993, the Primary School was started at its present site in Kitisuru, Nairobi. The primary school performed extremely well over the years but suffered a set-back from 2011 when it was beset with management problems, eventually closing down temporarily in 2014.
In 2015 the current directors saw the immense potential of the dormant facility and made a decision to re-open it and give it the status it deserves. Though the original name was retained, the directors adopted a completely different strategy to revive the school with new management. The school facilities have been refurbished and expanded and we can confidently assure our clients that the renewed White Cottage Primary School is here to stay. It is a new beginning for a school with a great future.