NARIANA ENTERPRISES LTD was incorporated in 2006 and is one of the fast growing Civil Engineering Contractor in Kenya, with its headquarters off Ojijo Road at Ojijo Plaza Parklands Area, Nairobi. The Company’s Design and Construction activities relate to sectors such as Roads, Water supply, construction of Dams / irrigation and sewerage.
We have grown to be one of the most effective and reliable Civil Engineering Contractors and has adopted innovative solutions, services and products of its kind globally. With our vast expertise and extreme customer satisfaction, our goal is to be the leading Civil Engineering Firm in the market. We also have effective and efficient resource, skills and the required technology to create efficient solutions, providing advanced wireless technologies and mobile broadband communication solutions to achieve this goal.
Nariana Enterprises is an accredited civil engineering contractors and one stop shop for laboratory equipment, Material Testing, Construction / Surveying Equipment and related products in the region.With an array of products to choose from.