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South B Hospital

  • Address:South B Shopping Centre, Joe Kadenge Crescent in Nairobi County
  • City/Town: Nairobi
  • Telephone Number: +254 722 509 165
  • Telephone Number 2: +254 722 509 166
  • Email Address:
  • Website:
  • Category: Private Hospitals
  • Working hours:
     Monday: Open 24 hours  See All
  • Year Established: 1993


South B Hospital Ltd is registered under Companies Registration Acts as South B Hospital Ltd. It is incorporated in Kenya and fully Kenyan owned. The hospital is located at South B on Kapiti Crescent Road behind South B Shopping Centre and offers affordable outpatient services in Kenya .

The hospital was started in 1993 as an outpatient and a maternity (Sharon’s nursing home). In 1995 (name was changed to South B Nursing Home) extension phase I was put up comprising of a modern theatre and medical wards. The hospital became popular with patients increasing in number and many doctors started visiting and using our theatre for major and minor operations. A need for further extension was imminent.

Surgical wards, private and self-contained rooms were put up (phase II). The hospital remains one of the best medium hospitals in Nairobi recognized by NHIF. It has a capacity of 37 beds. The Hospital is supported by over fifty Consultant/Surgeon Doctors. In year 2000 the hospital was incorporated under companies Acts (Cap 486) and registered as South B Hospital Limited. The hospital offers affordable outpatient services in Kenya.

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Products and services

- Accident & Emergency
- Pharmacy
- Outpatient Services
- Ambulance Services
- Inpatient Services

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Working Hours

Monday -  Open 24 hours
Tuesday -  Open 24 hours
Wednesday -  Open 24 hours
Thursday -  Open 24 hours
Friday -  Open 24 hours
Saturday -  Open 24 hours
Sunday -  Open 24 hours

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